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真實歷史改編,台劇《斯卡羅》SEQALU:FORMOSA 1867 介紹,8 月 14 日起於多平台上架

《斯卡羅》SEQALU:Formosa 1867 介紹與預告

斯卡羅》SEQALU:Formosa 1867 由公共電視在八月出品的 12 集台劇,由金獎導演曹瑞原執導,黃世鳴擔任編劇,改編至陳耀昌撰寫的小說《傀儡花》,小說故事則取材 1867 年在台灣發生的「美國福爾摩沙遠征」事件。演員包含 查馬克・法拉屋樂、 雷斌・金碌兒吳慷仁Kang Ren Wu温貞菱 Wen Chen-LingFabio Grangeon – 法比歐黃健瑋、 雷洪夏靖庭、 周厚安 Andrew Chau黃遠Huang,Yuan程苡雅 、張瑋帆-阿邦余竺儒 等。

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1867 年 3 月 12 日,美國商船「羅妹號」(Rover)在恆春半島南端遇暴風發生船難,船員於琅𤩝尾龜仔甪鼻山登岸求生。此處為排灣族龜仔甪社傳統領域,龜仔甪部落於百年前曾經遭洋人入侵幾乎被滅社,為保護部落並為祖先報仇,因此對擅闖領地的洋人展開攻擊,十四名登岸船員僅一位倖存,造成「羅妹號事件」,而後美國派出兩艘軍艦攻打部落進行報復,美國駐廈門李仙得亦奉命來台調查懲兇。「羅妹號事件」發生後,不同族群(包含琅𤩝十八社、馬卡道族等原住民部落,和移墾的閩客聚落)匯聚的恆春半島,隨之風起雲湧。琅𤩝十八社大股頭卓杞篤,以智慧化解紛爭,整合在地各族群力量,與李仙得簽下臺灣第一份國際和平盟約「南岬之盟」,紛爭始告落幕。

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《斯卡羅》SEQALU:Formosa 1867 角色介紹

水仔 Sui – 吳慷仁 Kang Ren Wu 飾演

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First born of the leader in Sialiao. His father is the Minnan people, and his mother is the Makatao people in Liangkiau. This type of mix was widely known as “Thoo-senn-a”, the mestizo of early Taiwan.
Sui has just taken over his father’s role to be a coordinator handling matters among the Minnan, Hakka and indigenous communities.
After the Rover Incident, facing the westerners’ investigation, as well as the skirmishes among foreigners, the Qing soldiers and indigenous community, Sui worried that Sialiao’s interests could be damaged. Unfortunately, he had no way out, nor could he had the strength to fight back.

林阿九 Lin A-Jiu – 夏靖庭 Ching-Ting Hsia 飾演

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Lin A-Jiu was the leader of Hakka’s Baoli Village, which often had disputes with Chaicheng over the water supply issue.

Outside Baoli Village, more and more people settled in Tonglingpu, which was targeted by Chaicheng and Sialiao for potential gains and interests. Baoli Village, however, remained alienated despite the rivalry among various forces in Liangkiau.

劉明燈 Liu Ming-Deng – 黃健瑋 Chien-Wei Huang 飾演

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Chief military general in Taiwan, leading the Xiang Army organized by Zuo Zong-Tang.
Liu Ming-Deng was assigned the posting to Taiwan one year before the Rover Incident. Liu was stringent in military management, capable of combat tactics, and known for his boldness, and he was a very ambitious general.

朱一丙 Zhu Yi-Bing – 雷洪 Hung Lei 飾演

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Zhu Yi-Bing was the leader of Chaicheng, the largest cluster of the Han people in Liangkiau, the present Hengchun Peninsula in Taiwan. Though under threats, Chaicheng was still independent from the territory of the indigenous community, thanks to its large population and location at coastal plains. Disputes with Hakka’s Baoli Village over the water supply issue never end. Zhu was a seasoned and calculating personality, capable of protecting the interests and safety of his cluster in a hostile environment.

李仙得 Charles W. Le Gendre – 法比歐 Fabio Grangeon 飾演




A French-born American, who was accredited with military achievement during American Civil War, and was promoted to the brigadier general. Following the Civil War, he was appointed to be American consul at Amoy and Formosa. During his investigation and negotiation in Taiwan for the Rover Incident, Tiap-moe became his interpreter.

Le Gendre looks solemn and dignified, and particularly taller than the Eastern peoples. His normal dress was in suit. But while the soldiers of the Qing Dynasty attacked Liangkiau, he put on his military uniform to demonstrate his valiance.

On the Rover Incident, his attitude had transformed from initially requesting the Qing Dynasty to send soldiers to punish the killers in Liangkiau, to acknowledging the establishment of the tribal order through a civilized manner. So he successfully halted the force of the Qing soldiers. In the end, Le Gendre signed the Treaty of South Cape with Tokitok, Chief of Liangkiau 18 Community, and brought peace to conclude the incident.




A French-born American, who was accredited with military achievement during American Civil War, and was promoted to the brigadier general. Following the Civil War, he was appointed to be American consul at Amoy and Formosa. During his investigation and negotiation in Taiwan for the Rover Incident, Tiap-moe became his interpreter.

Le Gendre looks solemn and dignified, and particularly taller than the Eastern peoples. His normal dress was in suit. But while the soldiers of the Qing Dynasty attacked Liangkiau, he put on his military uniform to demonstrate his valiance.

On the Rover Incident, his attitude had transformed from initially requesting the Qing Dynasty to send soldiers to punish the killers in Liangkiau, to acknowledging the establishment of the tribal order through a civilized manner. So he successfully halted the force of the Qing soldiers. In the end, Le Gendre signed the Treaty of South Cape with Tokitok, Chief of Liangkiau 18 Community, and brought peace to conclude the incident.

必麒麟 William A. Pickering – 周厚安 Andrew Chau 飾演

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William A. Pickering was born in Nottinghamshire, England. At the time, he was the manager of British business Messrs. McPhail & Co. in Taiwanfu. Pickering used to be a sailor and customs officer. He is specialized in Minnan language, Qing Empire official language, and partial Taiwanese indigenous languages. During his stay in Taiwan, Pickering often traveled to mountainous communities to seek business opportunities and adventures. He was bold, unrestrained, untamed, quick-witted and humorous. He had disagreement with passive Qing Empire officials, and had developed further understanding of indigenous peoples in Taiwan.

Following the Rover Incident, he served as an advisor and guide for England and America which were attempt to conquer Liangkiau. Although he agreed to punish the killers, he was reluctant to see a massive killing by the Qing soldiers against the indigenous community. He disagreed Charles de Gendre’s idea of establishing the tribal order through a civilized manner. Yet eventually, he joined Tiap-moe in halting the punitive expedition of the Qing soldiers.

阿杰 Jie – 黃遠 Sean Huang 飾演

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Tiap-moe’s younger brother, proficient in Minnan, Hakka and Paiwan languages.

Jie was sensitive, and often confused about his own identity for his mix blood of the Hakka and indigenous.

After returning to the indigenous community, Jie learned that Tokitok, Chief of Seqalu was his uncle. While the indigenous community was in war, Jie chose to stand with his people, and fought for their survival. Contradictions and confrontation with Tiap-moe arose.

Later in the development following the Rover Incident, Jie was becoming more mature, and gained recognition from his tribal people.

 蝶妹 Tiap-moe – 温貞菱 Chen-Ling Wen 飾演

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Her father is Hakka, and her mother is Princess Macuka of Cilasoaq.

While the Rover Incident broke out, Tiap-moe was 18 years old. She was proficient in multiple languages, like Hakka, Hokkien, Paiwan and English, so she could help American Consul Charles W. Le Gendre with his investigation.

Facing the questioning and bullying associated with ethnic groups, gender and her bloodline, Tiap-moe was confused for her mix of the Hakka and Taiwanese indigenous, and experienced pain and sorrow, however, she was still able to cope with all changes ahead of her.

巴耶林 Paljaljim – 余竺儒 Zhuru Yu 飾演

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Leader of Koalut, Paljaljim is fearless and bellicose, as well as impulsive and reckless. He is the trigger point of the Rover Incident.

伊沙 Isa – 雷斌・金碌兒 Msiswagger Zingrur 飾演

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Leader of Sabaree, second man of Seqalu- Liangkiau 18 Community. Isa was an open and straightforward person with extraordinary leadership. He was against other groups’ increasing influence on his own community. Facing foreign intruders, Isa chose to fight. Initially, he refused to back off as the second man under Chief Tokitok. But later he realized Tokitok’s purposes, and joined him in fighting against intruders.

Isa was engaged with Macuka, Tokitok’s sister, yet their engagement broke off. Because of this, Isa found it awkward to deal his relations with Jie.

 卓杞篤 Tokitok – 查馬克・法拉屋樂 Camake Valaule 飾演

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Chief of Seqalu- Liangkiau 18 Community, leader of Cilasoaq. Tokitok was a composed personality, who was in his prime time of abundant experience and centralized power. However, he was regretful for not being able to see his younger sister Macuka again, for she fled her indigenous community for her loved one. During that time, he was shouldering the responsibility of the rise or fall of Seqalu.

Facing challenges from foreign forces, Tokitok’s attitude was clear, neither did he seek to fight, nor did he fear for fights. Under his leadership, his people were ready for war. Eventually, he decided to sign the international peace treaty with Consul Charles de Gendre. His wisdom and courage had turned the history of Taiwan to the next page.

朱雷 Cudjuy – 張瑋帆(阿邦) Wei-Fan Chang 飾演

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Nephew of Chief Tokitok, the successor of the leader of Cilasoaq. Cudjuy had a crush on Umi, yet she refused his courtship. Cudjuy was young and aggressive, aiming to achieve something great. Facing the intruders, Cudjuy rushed to prove his capabilities in order to earn respects from his community, yet ended up with frustration.

He regarded Jie as a threat, and both had conflicts often.

烏米娜 Umi – 程苡雅 Selep Ljivangraw 飾演

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Daughter of Chief Tokitok. A smart, outgoing and athletic girl. The best helper of Chief Tokitok, and a good friend of Jie.